Conference Program Updated
Thursday 6 June
14:30 - 19.00
Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Aula Partenone
First session: The Role of Music and Theatre
in the Construction of Urban Places and Identities
Chair: Franco Piperno (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
Keynote address: Antonio Rostagno (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
The Historical Urban Phonosphere
Iain Fenlon (King’s College Cambridge)
Sound, Space, and History
Coffee Break
Nathan K. Reeves (Northwestern University)
The Oar, the Trumpet, the Drum: Music and Galley Servitude in Spanish Naples
Virginia Lamothe (Belmont University)
Soundscapes of Power: Roman Entrate for the Habsburgs in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century
Aldo Roma (Italy, École française de Rome)
Risonanze scolopiche nella Roma del giubileo del 1650
Sabine Ehrmann-Herfort (Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom)
Peace music on the occasion of the War of the Spanish Succession in Rome, Naples, Hamburg and London
Friday 7 June
9.30 - 13.00
Friday 7 June
15.00 - 19.00
Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom
Second Session: Sources for the Study
of Urban Soundscapes
Chair: Markus Engelhardt (Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom)
Tim Carter (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill)
Gratioso Uberti’s Musical Tour of Rome (1630)
Simone Caputo (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
Immaginare il soundscape: Roma, 1691-1721. Domande e modelli per la musicologia urbana
Coffee Break
Massimo Privitera (Università degli studi di Palermo)
Napoli sonora
Graziella Seminara (Università degli studi di Catania)
Dal teatro alla folla. Il profilo sonoro della Milano di Giuseppe Rovani
Nari Shelekpayev (Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris)
Capital Cities and Opera: Some Theoretical Reflections
Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Aula Partenone
Third session: Hearing, Imagining and Mapping the Soundscape:
an Interdisciplinary Approach
Chair: Emanuele Senici (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
Tess Knighton (ICREA / Institució Milà i Fontanals, CSIC, Barcelona)
Thinking about Acoustic Communities in Sixteenth-Century Mediterranean Cities
Andrea Chegai (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
Note da una città sonora. Turismo mondano-spirituale nella Venezia dei secc. XVII-XVIII e produzione dell’‘immagine’ urbana
Coffee Break
Giada Viviani (Università degli studi Roma Tre), Francesco Trentini (Univerità Ca’ Foscari Venezia)Costruire il proprio soundscape. L’organizzazione di un ambiente sonoro colto tra prassi musicale e cultura visuale nella Venezia di metà Cinquecento
Angela Fiore e Sara Belotti (Università degli Studi di Modena-Reggio Emilia)
Alla Corte degli Este, tra musica e cartografia: spunti per la ricostruzione del paesaggio sonoro di una città ducale (sec. XVII)
Saturday 8 June
9:30 - 13.00
Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Aula "Nino Pirrotta"
Fourth session: Spaces, Phonosphere, Musical Ecology
Chair: Giovanni Giuriati (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)
Antonello Colimberti (Accademia delle Belle Arti, L’Aquila)
Paesaggio sonoro urbano e paesaggio ritmico-temporale. La proposta innovativa di Albert Mayr
Andrea Bombi (Universitat de València)
Voci bianche: bambini in processione
Coffee Break
Marco Lutzu e Roberto Mileddu (Università degli Studi di Cagliari)
Flussi sonori tra realtà urbane e rurali nella Sardegna del XVIII e XIX secolo
Fabrizio Crisafulli (Accademia delle Belle Arti, Roma)
Lo spettacolo teatrale come “luogo” generatore di suoni
Research project
The Music section of the Department of "Lettere e Culture Moderne" of La Sapienza University of Rome has launched a research project about “Soundscape and musical events in Italy, XVI-XIX century. Patronage, performance practice, critical editions".
The project is inspired by recent interdisciplinary perspectives offered by studies on the soundscape and urban historiography. It aims to open the discussion about the meaning of soundscape in early modernity (1500-1800). We will focus particularly on Rome, the ceremonial and cosmopolite city par excellence, but also on the wider context of Italian cities between the 16th and the 19th centuries. Researching into music in the physical, symbolic, social and cultural space of the city means problematize the relationships that determine the diversity of musical practices, interpreting them through the concepts of image, place, representation, scenery, space and territory. Historians of music now are solicited to shift the focus from individuals to communities, which modelled the cityspace physically and acustically, through civic and religious practices; it is also necessary to interrogate how the interaction among soundscape, space and urban scenery impacted on the
construction of the identity of the city. By stressing the idea that the space is socially constructed through diverse conceptions (of practice, of representation and as a space of representation) it is possible to widen scholarly perspectives about "music in", recontextualizing the musical object we analyse in time and space.
About us
This project is funded by La Sapienza and coordinated by Prof. Franco Piperno. The research team is composed by Prof. Emanuele Senici, Dr Sonia Bellavia, Prof. Andrea Chegai, Prof. Antonio Rostagno and Dr Simone Caputo (postdoctoral research associate). The project is realized in cooperation with the Sapienza Doctoral Programme in Music and Performing Arts.
in cooperation with
The project is realized in cooperation with the Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom.
The DHI Rome is the oldest of the historical research institutes of the Federal Republic of Germany abroad. It is dedicated to history and the history of music from the early Middle Ages to the present day, with particular focus on Italy, southern Europe and the Mediterranean area.
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us at: